🥳Why My Clients Are Launching Before the Year Ends (and Winning)

...using the 1-2-3 method

👋🏽Hey Biz Starter!

Just like Vegas…

What happens in a coaching session…stays in the session!

YES! Absolutely!

There is one thing I will share…this year: I added a question for my new coaching clients.

Where do you want to be in 90 days in life and your business?

There’s a little less than 3 months left of 2024.

I designed a customized 1-2-3 method with a handful of clients at the beginning of this month.

I call it the 1 Month to Clients, 2 to Positioning, 3 to Sales—method!

Here’s a high-level overview.

​If you start prioritizing growth for your business this week…

◾After 1 month, you could have a small following of aligned potential clients. People who need YOUR knowledge and skills.

◾After 2 months, you can improve your positioning and become a go-to authority in your niche by leveraging your unique perspective and the experience you already have).

◾After 3 months, you could start getting client inquiries and making SALES.

Don’t wait until 2025.

Start now.


Get a head start while everyone else waits for January’s motivation rush. By the time they’re setting their goals, you’ll already be making things happen.

I love the New Year energy! But the downside? January brings a wave of new competition.

I call it the 'launch-a-thon'—when everyone’s rolling out their next big thing.

So don’t wait until 2025 to begin…you should already have your quarter-one growth plan into action now.

This week, we discuss some of the latest updates with a few social media platforms, 3 ways to get money for your business, and a must-have tool in this issue’s Top Tool of The Week!

Cool Biz Starter🚀Resources

Turn your expertise into profit—no Zoom calls, no inventory required. Learn how. 

Start, position, and monetize your business. Learn how I can help.

Also, my favorite tool to grow my business. Try it for free!

💹Money Corner a/k/a Get Money‼️

To help get you motivated about making money for your business, I share resources in each issue to help you Get Money!

👩🏽‍💻Digital Marketing News

📆Posts of the Week

🔨Top Tool of the Week

Are you still trying to figure out how to leverage LinkedIn for your business?

The LinkedIn Operating System course by a top LinkedIn expert can help you boost your brand and business on LinkedIn. This course shows you how to…

  • Be a leader on LinkedIn to grow your brand.

  • Get insights from someone with 600K+ followers and $8.3M in revenue.

  • Find your niche, make good content, get leads, and gain customers.

  • Know how to sell without being pushy.

  • Cover various LinkedIn topics, from personal branding to business strategies.

It has 2000+ 5-star reviews. It’s like having a super versatile sidekick in your entrepreneurial journey. Make LinkedIn work better for your business.

⏳Until Next Time

That’s it for this Tuesday’s Issue #72. Thank you so much for reading The Biz Starter❤️. I welcome your thoughts, so feel free to hit reply.

Goodbye Biz Starters!


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