✨Reflect, Renew, Succeed: Ending the Year Strong

...count your wins one by one

Welcome to this week’s Biz Starter 🚀Newsletter!

Can you believe it's almost the end of the year?

Take a minute to look back—what are your wins, big or small, from 2023?

Whether it's hitting a business milestone, learning something new, or even mastering work-life balance (kudos if you did!), let's celebrate those victories together! 🥳 

The last two weeks have been exciting. Here are some of the highlights:

Hosted another live event Client Getting.

Black Friday shopping for the first time in a decade.

Launched the Slack Community for our Elite Partners.

Over 250 entrepreneurs have signed up for our 5-Day Business Bootcamp in 30 days, with over half opting for the Pro plan.

As you approach the end of the year, consider the following:

Reimagine Your Offers: If you offer high-cost services, create low-cost services, digital products, and subscription-based models.

👆 This is one of the reasons why I started the BizStarter Hub.

Nurture Your Clients: Instead of focusing only on bringing in new clients, create a strategy to keep your current clients returning for more.

Diversify Your Income: Build multiple streams of income. Start a YouTube channel, add affiliate marketing, and spice things up if you offer services by adding info products or templates.

What’s your mission for your business this year? Hit reply and share. I’d love to cheer you on!

Now, let’s get into this week’s tips, ideas, resources, and the latest news!

Cool Biz Starter🚀Resources

Also, my favorite tool to grow on X and LinkedIn. Try it for free!

💹Money Corner a/k/a Get Money‼️

To help get you motivated about making money for your business, I share resources in each issue to help you Get Money!

🫶 One Place for Biz Resources 🫶

👩🏽‍💻Digital Marketing News

📆Posts of the Week

👥👥Community News

Community builds strong leaders and helps people work together to achieve great things. Check out what's happening in community news.👇

🧵🪡🛠️ Handmade's Tales

🔹Should You Move Your eCommerce Store From Wix to Shopify?

🔹How to Sell on Amazon Handmade and Build a Profitable Business: Everything You Need to Know.

🔨Top Tool of the Week

It’s been almost a year since we switched this newsletter from Convertkit to Beehive. I know many people use LinkedIn for their newsletter, but with that option, you don’t own your email list; LinkedIn does. The goal should always be to get your audience and ideal clients off the platforms.

After exploring various alternatives, I eventually chose Beehiiv because it bundles together growth tools, customization options, and a dashboard, all neatly wrapped in a user-friendly experience. If you've been contemplating launching a newsletter, there's no better platform or ideal moment than now. You can try Beehiiv completely free; no credit card is necessary.

⏳Until Next Time

That’s it for this Tuesday’s Issue #51. Thank you so much for reading The Biz Starter❤️. I welcome your thoughts, so feel free to hit reply.

Goodbye Biz Starters!

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