🟢Greenlight your business growth in 2024

...how to nip and tuck your business

Welcome to the 55th edition of The BizStarter— the most resourceful newsletter for entrepreneurs.

This past week, I was having coffee with a friend.

She laughed when I shared a goal of mine—to live in Spain for half the year.

Her first response was, “How on earth are you going to do that?”

I told her…I have a plan.😉

In most businesses, you do something for someone that takes your time, and then they pay you for it.

So you’re always trading time for money. And you only have so much time!

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are so many ways to change your business model, so you are waking up to more money in the bank than when you went to sleep, and who doesn’t want that?

Imagine being able to:

  • Add a new stream of income to your business - that can be semi-passive.

  • Spend less 1:1 time with clients -  or even transition to only doing group programs or self-paced courses.

  • Make a real impact on your audience's success - by delivering results immediately.

  • Diversify and scale your revenue - with a fresh offer, you can sell over and over again.

Online courses have allowed me to work less while still making money each month, selling my expertise.

I've sold:



»Mini Workshops


»Coaching Packages

Most of my sales have come from repeat business, referrals, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and X.

I've also automated courses with a funnel and email marketing to create semi-passive sales—and I’ve shown my clients how to do the same.

Slightly tweaking your business model can help you expand your positioning while still focusing on creating content and offers you’re aligned with.

This week, I’ll walk you through a roadmap to business growth by making small changes that can make a big difference.😊

Cool Biz Starter🚀Resources

⭐Join our preferred business listing and get your services in front of your ideal customer. Become an Elite Partner.  

🔥Advertise in this newsletter.

⭐Explore how I can help you start, position, and monetize your business. Learn how.

Also, my favorite tool to grow on X and LinkedIn. Try it for free!

Transforming LinkedIn Profiles for Results with Sandra Clark

Now, let’s get into this week’s tips, ideas, resources, and the latest news!

The Latest from Sherry

Strategic Model Tweaks: A Roadmap to Business Growth

Are you ready to take your business on a journey of growth and innovation while staying true to your roots? Let’s explore how a few strategic moves can make all the difference in your business.

💹Money Corner a/k/a Get Money‼️

To help motivate you to make money for your business, I share resources in each issue to help you Get Money!

👩🏽‍💻Digital Marketing News

📆Posts of the Week

🔨Top Tool of the Week

Modifying your business model, even slightly, provides different ways to make money and gives you the flexibility to decide how to spend your time and what you want to prioritize.

It helps you become even more of the boss of your life and work.

I'm not one to typically get into the "multiple income streams" or "passive income" discussions, but lately, I've been seeing how the whole entrepreneurial grind is getting to my friends.

It's a constant hustle for new leads, new clients, and more revenue.

It doesn't have to be stressful.

Imagine, with some planning and tweaking of your business model, almost anyone can set up a passive income stream and throw it into their business mix.

I've got this handy guide that shows you how to leverage the pros and cons of passive income. Spoiler alert…there are no get-rich-quick schemes.

⏳Until Next Time

That’s it for this Tuesday’s Issue #55. Thank you so much for reading The Biz Starter❤️. I welcome your thoughts, so feel free to hit reply.

Goodbye Biz Starters!


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